Portland, Bath, Brunswick nonprofits share in Quimby foundation grants

Human Wholeness — Quimby Family Foundation

If I had never seen you nor any one wiser than myself I should not have died. Now I wish to show you that every phenomenon that takes form in the human body is first conceived in the mind. Some sensation is felt which we cannot account for, we then conjure up some idea which we create into a belief, and soon it is condensed into a form and a name given to it. Then every phenomenon taking the name of disease, is a pattern of some false idea started without the least foundation in truth. The Brunswick organization was one of 68 nonprofits in Maine that was awarded some of almost $1.3 million in grant money at the foundation’s eighth annual luncheon on Aug. 24.

Human Wholeness — Quimby Family Foundation

IEM offers free pick-your-own organic produce and gardening education in an effort to create a community that is healthier, stronger and more food independent. Gardens are also located throughout downtown Milbridge and at the Red Barn Motel; all gardens are open to the entire community. Natural food is to satisfy the natural man and spiritual Human Wholeness — Quimby Family Foundation food or wisdom is to satisfy the inner or scientific man. The child before it begins to know is fed by natural food, while its spiritual food is opinions expressed in words. The sick have been deceived by false words and have fed on food that contains no wisdom. I am often accused of opposing the medical faculty and the religious creeds.


After a few days exploring Fourth and Third Lakes, the river brought me to the Katahdin Woods and Waters Recreation Area, bought by the Quimbys and managed by Elliotsville Plantation, Inc., which had funded part of my fall expedition. The National Geographic Young Explorers Grant program also contributed funding. Local residents worried about government overreach and a potential ban on traditional activities like hunting and snowmobiling. Tourism and recreation companies argued that protecting the woods would bring economic benefits to struggling towns. Conservationists tried to turn public opinion toward restoring the region’s natural heritage. Gratification of man’s desires embraces all there is of him, and these vary according to circumstances.

All men have a desire for happiness, and this desire creates an appetite, and the desire wants to be gratified. This brings up this feeling called will, and then it is forced on by wisdom to accomplish a desire. The wants of the animal are limited, therefore it is lively and happy, for it acts according to its will.

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When I first commenced my practice I thought I had courage as much as my neighbors, but as I found I was liable to be affected by another’s feelings my courage failed. So I used some sort of strategem to get the advantage of my patients and being rather reckless I ran risks which the world would call courageous. For instance, I was not afraid of an insane man if I could get his eye. To the world this looked like courage, but to me it was wisdom. I have been trying to get wisdom in regard to the disease of mankind, for disease is like all other evils that come within our senses. When I first took the feelings of patients, it took courage to keep from taking the disease. I knew this kind of courage, it was fear lest I should be called a coward, so I would assume courage.

I know no way of giving you a test of courage as well as to take myself. The opinion that God has provided a remedy for every disease gives rise to a belief that there are certain roots and herbs intended by the Creator to cure all diseases.


For instance, you wish to raise a stone, the wish that wants to raise a stone is one thing, and the stone is another. If wisdom chooses to apply its strength through the arms its motive or will is applied according to the idea of resistance. If a horse is attached to a dead weight it applies its will or strength and if it fails it makes another effort to overcome the resistance. Strength is intelligence; it embraces all man’s wisdom, and if his wisdom is of God or Science his strength is not in himself, and to be wise is to be strong. The word strength does not convey the author’s feelings when he made the expression. If the author meant to give a name to the phenomenon called will, then it makes a vast difference in reasoning about strength.

  • The chemist is employed to discover the chemical properties which such and such things contain, and numberless articles are said to contain strengthening virtue.
  • When I sit down by a sick person and he or she wants to tell me what the doctor says, to me it is nonsense for I have not the least regard for their knowledge.
  • The Board of Directors is composed of Quimby family members spanning two generations.
  • So, while our District’s roots are in agriculture, our focus has shifted based on the needs in our area.
  • So when the matter and even blood commenced running it showed that the medicine was doing what it agreed to do.
  • After I had told him the cause of his trouble, the explanation so far as he understood relieved him, he breathed more easily and was improving.

He believed the spine was diseased and so did all his friends and physicians. This heat contained no good or ill, but it was a mere decomposition of your body brought about by some little excitement.


That would keep up the excitement, and when you went out of doors you would be likely to cough from the irritation caused by the upward tendency of the heat. That would frighten you a little, though you might not own it or know it. But the disturbance would keep up till some kind friend should inform you that you had taken cold, for your face was flushed and you coughed. That, mind you, is an opinion, for a person may flush and cough from excitement without any cold at all.

Human Wholeness — Quimby Family Foundation

We continue delivering the news our communities need during these ever-changing times. We, as with all of our local businesses, need your support, too. With QFF a vision to grow more meaningful, reciprocal relationships with nature. We are inspired by your approach to human wholeness and your efforts to foster stronger relationships between people and the farms, woods, and waters of Maine. To grow human wholeness by fostering stronger https://accounting-services.net/ relationships between people and nature. A year after U.S. troops pulled out of its longest war, National Geographic revisits an Afghan mother featured on the cover and her family’s experience offers a glimpse of life under Taliban rule. I’ve photographed towering red spruce and balsam fir trees weighed down under new snow, goldenrod flowers bursting in recently cut fields, and bright green ferns dripping with a recent rain.


So he inquires of every person what is good for a cough; or if they can tell where his money is. So every person gives his opinion, and there is just as much in one opinion as another. I first tell him what he is afraid of by telling him how he is affected. This makes him feel more comfortable, and then I go on to show him how he has been living on husks or opinions about an idea that never had an existence only in the superstition of the people. As he is full of these opinions I have to give him something in the form of truth that will dissolve the error and satisfy him.

Human Wholeness — Quimby Family Foundation

Portland, where much of this work was focused, is doing great garden programs, but many of the surrounding communities have very little happening in terms of community ag. Hannah is a trustee of three family foundations, serves on the Advisory Board of the East Coast Greenway Alliance, and is an Outreach Ambassador with the Outdoors Empowered Network. In addition to human health, our current food system has a detrimental impact on the environment and other living beings. Industrial food production affects fresh water, soil, and the high carbon output is contributing to climate change while animals raised in factory farms frequently experience inhumane treatment. By enhancing the connection between people and the natural environment, we can reverse these alarming trends and increase a mutual flourishing that we call human wholeness. She said that protecting the landscape, which varies in elevation, will help a wide diversity of plants and animals thrive.